Hanski, Purdown Battery, Bristol, February 2021

3480. Purdown HAA Battery (14)

An oasis of colour in a desert of thick wet mud, and thank goodness for it, because the dog and I got filthy… if there hadn’t been any decent pieces on the battery walls I think I’d have been well miffed. But decent pieces there were and this one was a truly wonderful surprise from Hanski, who has recently hit the Bristol scene running.

Hanski, Purdown Battery, Bristol, February 2021
Hanski, Purdown Battery, Bristol, February 2021

With two Universities in Bristol, we have quite a large number of art students in the City, and some of them like to Chuck paint at walls… Hanski is one of them. Hanski’s work is like Cubism meets the 1980s, with tons of bright and bold colours and disaggregated features reassembled to create a new face. I am so much looking forward to a whole lot more from Hanski.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

3 thoughts on “3480. Purdown HAA Battery (14)”

  1. Definitely looking forward to plenty more from her.
    We had a chat online and she said how nervous she had been doing her first piece but i told her how great I though it was and how she should have fun doing it as that was the whole point and it would appear those words were indeed taken in good spirit . . .

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