Thursday doors – 27 June 2024 – Doors from Cheltenham

Doors 269 – Doors from Cheltenham, July 2023 (Part III)

Good morning from Bristol, where the mood has been lifted by a couple of wonderful warm days, although the clouds today probably signify the end of our summer! This week I bring you the final selection of doors from a visit I made to Cheltenham last July to experience the Cheltenham Paint Festival. There is not too much to say about these doors other than they are a random selection from my wanderings, I hope you enjoy them.

Double doors, one without door furniture, Cheltenham, July 2023
Double doors, one without door furniture, Cheltenham, July 2023
Typical Cheltenham door with ironwork awning, Cheltenham, July 2023
Typical Cheltenham door with ironwork awning, Cheltenham, July 2023
A new door (looks unpainted) with ironwork awning, Cheltenham, July 2023
A new door with ironwork awning, Cheltenham, July 2023
Cherrington Chambers double doors, Cheltenham, July 2023
Cherrington Chambers double doors, Cheltenham, July 2023
Grand entrance, door and fanlight window, Cheltenham, July 2023
Grand entrance, door and fanlight window, Cheltenham, July 2023
Green door, steps and wonderful fanlight window, Cheltenham, July 2023
Green door, steps and wonderful fanlight window, Cheltenham, July 2023
Door with graffiti and 'Apache attack helicopter' stencils, Cheltenham, July 2023
Door with graffiti and ‘Apache attack helicopter’ stencils, Cheltenham, July 2023

I have a busy day ahead, so that’s it I’m afraid for another week. Next time I am thinking a return to Umbria in Italy is on the cards, see you then.

If you have made it this far, you probably like doors, and you really ought to take a look at the No Facilities blog by Dan Anton who has taken over the hosting of Thursday Doors from Norm 2.0 blog. Links to more doorscursions can be found in the comments section of Dan Anton’s Thursday Doors post.

by Scooj

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