Werm, Cumberland Basin, Bristol, May 2023

5275. Cumberland Basin

Werm, Cumberland Basin, Bristol, May 2023
Werm, Cumberland Basin, Bristol, May 2023

It is getting close to the time when I say something like, ‘I really ought to pull together a gallery for Werm’, and judging from his productivity over the last three years or so, and the frequency with which he has appeared on Natural Adventures recently, it definitely is that time.

Werm, Cumberland Basin, Bristol, May 2023
Werm, Cumberland Basin, Bristol, May 2023

Werm underwent something of a change of approach, from painting cute characters to concentrating on his writing. At about that time, he also discarded the moniker Eman and was reborn as Werm. His progress has been rapid and his technical skills and creativity have blossomed to the point where he is creating complex and busy pieces like this one. His most recent ‘formula’ is to write WERM in smaller letters at the centre of the piece, and to extend the branches of his letters with elaborate designs exploding out from the middle. It would be nice to see him deconstruct this a little and see what he can do with a simpler design. I am thoroughly enjoying recording his journey.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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