Dog Bless the Band, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, July 2023

5407. M32 Cycle path (222)

Dog Bless the Band, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, July 2023
Dog Bless the Band, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, July 2023

Dog Bless the Band is a curious street artist I have yet to meet. I say curious because his pieces are unlike pretty much anything else in the city right now. Curious also because of his name and because of the letters he writes – MOTEL, I mean what is it all about?

Dog Bless the Band, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, July 2023
Dog Bless the Band, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, July 2023

The large monolithic letters have a very earthy feel about them which is exaggerated in this piece by the muted colours, especially the green dusting, which gives the appearance of algae or moss on rocks. I’m not sure if that is the effect he was aiming for, but it is how it comes across to me. To the right there is a toadstool.

Dog Bless the Band, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, July 2023
Dog Bless the Band, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, July 2023

I wasn’t entirely sure whether the toadstool was painted by Dog Bless the Band or by a friend alongside, but have decided it is his own work, perhaps a study, because of the same colour selection and proximity. There are no other signatures or marks that would suggest another artist, simply the surprise of seeing the toadstool. Perhaps this signifies him straying into accompanying his letters with other work.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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