Uncle, Upfest 24, Luckwell Road, Bristol, May 2024

6133. Upfest 2024 (30)

Uncle, Upfest 24, Luckwell Road, Bristol, May 2024
Uncle, Upfest 24, Luckwell Road, Bristol, May 2024

Wowzer! A word I rarely use, but this outstanding anamorphic piece by Uncle left me breathless, and even now, looking at the photographs, it plays tricks with your mind. This kind of anamorphic art has been around for centuries, and in its more formal settings is called trompe l’oeil, which in French means ‘deceiving the eye’, and which can be seen in cathedrals, churches, palaces and streets all over Europe (and beyond I expect). Street artists have been refining the style and are now creating some utterly mind-boggling work for all to enjoy.

Uncle, Upfest 24, Luckwell Road, Bristol, May 2024
Uncle, Upfest 24, Luckwell Road, Bristol, May 2024

One of the things about anamorphic art is that it often has to be viewed from a specific point to achieve the full effect, and the first photograph just about hits the spot. Uncle has managed to create a green box that appears to be sunk into the building, and the 3D lettering in red, white and blue is sitting within the ‘recess’. Much of the illusion is created with very clever use of light and shade and shadows cast.

Uncle, Upfest 24, Luckwell Road, Bristol, May 2024
Uncle, Upfest 24, Luckwell Road, Bristol, May 2024

I am so pleased that Upfest invited Uncle, who is from Hong Kong, to paint this piece this year, and I hope that it encourages more of this kind of awe-inspiring art in the city. You can find more of Uncle’s work on his Instagram feed, that has quite a few interesting images and reels of this piece. Outstanding work.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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