2904. Shoreditch, London

Street art posts in Natural Adventures are dominated by Bristol artists, I know and understand the culture (a little) in the city and feel comfortable writing about the art I see. The same cannot be said for other places. I tend to hold back on writing too much about the work I see on my trips outside Bristol because there are other chroniclers who do it so much better with so much more knowledge. Most of the photographs I take in London never get posted, but the break in new art in Bristol imposed by lock down means that I can visit my London archives and share some nice art with you.

Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018
Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018

This is a gorgeous piece by Mr Cenz in Shorditch that I photographed in November 2018, and I have a feeling that it was still pretty fresh and clean and probably not that old. Everything you expect to see from a Mr Cenz piece is here and it is absolutely stunning. It would be great if he could pay us a visit in Bristol some time – we’d have to find him a good wall though.

2883. Shoreditch, London

This picture was taken in August 2016 during one of my reasonably infrequent trips to Shoreditch. I am beginning to think I need another trip there, but for the moment I’ll be staying put. This gorgeous piece is by Mr Cenz, whose etherial portraits are emblematic of the London street art scene.

Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, August 2016
Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, August 2016

There is something about the colors green and purple that work so well together and Mr Cenz has worked his magic in this piece, creatinng a metallic sheen to the whole thing with carefully positioned white highlights.. The strange thing about this piece is that the familiar female features are held together by shades and abstract shapes that on their own wouldn’t look like anything. Clever work.



1967. Shoreditch, London (19)

Quickly skipping back to November last year, the next few posts will feature pieces I saw on a mini excursion to Shoreditch in London, kicking off with this incredible piece by Mr Cenz. I have seen a lot of his work over the last year or two, but only a few in the flesh, and the pictures rarely do them justice. His style pretty much always incorporates a female portrait composed of swirling vibrant shades of colour, which when you think about it, shouldn’t really work, but oh my goodness, work they do!

Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018
Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018

A piece like this is just so magnificent and elevates the building it is painted on from being ordinary to being extraordinary. I would surely love to see him visit Bristol.

1888. Shoreditch, London (6)

I had to go to London a couple of weekends back for an important event at the Science Museum on a Monday morning, so I travelled up on the Sunday to stay with my sister in Stoke Newington. I arrived early on the Sunday (I had planned this) and decided to walk from  my sister’s to Brick Lane in Shoreditch. I walked for more than fifteen miles over about five hours and took just shy of 500 pictures. I was treated to some astonishing street art, and this is the first of several posts from that trip. I hope you enjoy these pieces as much as I did.

Lovepusher and Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018
Lovepusher and Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018

This first piece was one of several huge murals by pairs of artists on a theme of connections or connectivity organised by Global Street Art. This was a pairing of Lovepusher and Mr Cenz. I have never seen  the work of Lovepusher before – he painted the ‘Future’ 3D sphere – but Mr Cenz’s work is very familiar and can be found all over the Shoreditch area.

Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018
Mr Cenz, Shoreditch, London, November 2018

I am a little out of my depth with London artists or the London scene and leave the detail about these pieces to bloggers much better placed to do it such as London Calling. I will post more from this wall at a later date.

Mr Cenz, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016
Mr Cenz, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016


358. Hoxton Square, Shoreditch, London (1)

My wanderings in Shoreditch turned up so many wonderful pieces of street art, but this duo of Mr Cenz and Fanakapan really has to be the pick of the bunch. I am really familiar with both artists, thanks in part to the excellent London Calling blog.

Mr Cenz, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016
Mr Cenz, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016

For a while, I have longed to see some work, first-hand by both of these artists, so this was a real treat for me on a wet monday evening. Mr Cenz is a London street artist who started his graffiti in 1988 and is now a professional graffiti artist with his own company Positive Arts.

Mr Cenz, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016
Mr Cenz, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016

This reasonably recent piece is a freestyle creation of a female portrait distorted with shapes and colour, typical of his current work. Exceptional work and so very pleasing to the eye.

Fanakapan, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016
Fanakapan, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016

Fanakapan is a genius in my view. He creates the most incredible images of shiny surfaces which recently has featured helium balloons of lettering, animals and other shapes. The way he captures these subjects is quite extraordinary and his technique is quite exceptional.

Fanakapan, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016
Fanakapan, Hoxton Square, London, August 2016

In this piece he has even managed to incorporate two wooden features on the wall into his art. I am a huge fan of both these artists, and wish they would do more work in Bristol outside of Upfest. I’ll keep my fingers crossed. I was a very happy man after finding these works on the side of 333 Mother, a pub on the end of Hoxton Square.