23 Magpies, Warden Road, Bristol, May 2016

230. Warden Road

One of the true pleasures of photographing street art is finding some of subtle hidden pieces that are out there, but are often overlooked. 23 Magpies specialises in wildlife wheatpastes, often stuck in such ordinary places that if you blink you miss them.

23 Magpies, Warden Road, Bristol, May 2016
23 Magpies, Warden Road, Bristol, May 2016

This lovely work of a crow on sheet music is pasted onto a utility box, much as the chameleon was not far up the road on Dean Lane. I don’t know how long this has been here, but I only noticed it last week.

23 Magpies, Warden Road, Bristol, May 2016
23 Magpies, Warden Road, Bristol, May 2016

I am very fond of these pasteups, they feel like my own little treasures. If you look carefully you can see one of Andy Council’s pieces in the background.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

5 thoughts on “230. Warden Road”

  1. You changed you profile. I digress. Does 23 magpies usually do the paste up on sheets of music? There is an artist in Australia who does that too. I am never sure if it is intentional or something that was at hand.

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