Symmetry of wooden door, plants and steps, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023

Thursday doors – 9 November 2023, Todi, Italy

Doors 242 – Todi doors, Umbria, Italy (Part IV)

This week I bring you the last few doors, and one or two other interesting features, from our visit to Todi in Umbria last summer. Although we only spent a few hours in the town, we managed to cover a lot of ground and see some wonderful things. The temperature was searingly hot, although only a prelude to the heatwave that was to come the following week, and in true ‘mad dogs and Englishmen’ style we arrived just before midday.

Todi is one of several stunning Umbrian hilltop towns, offering everything you’d expect to find in terms of historic environment and culture. The door pictures are only a representative microcosm of the magnificence of the place – I hope you enjoy them.

Fine double doors and hefty stone work, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Fine double doors and hefty stone work, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
What the heck is going on behind these doors? Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
What the heck is going on behind these doors? Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Confessional doors, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Confessional doors, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Fragment of ancient wall, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Fragment of ancient wall, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Grand carved wooden panelled door, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Grand carved wooden panelled door, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Symmetry of wooden door, plants and steps, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
Symmetry of wooden door, plants and steps, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
A classic urban Umbrian view, complete with a door through the arches, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023
A classic urban Umbrian view, complete with a door through the arches, Todi, Umbria, Italy, July 2023

That’s it for another week – Next time I move on to Perugia and some more Umbrian magic.

If you have made it this far, you probably like doors, and you really ought to take a look at the No Facilities blog by Dan Anton who has taken over the hosting of Thursday Doors from Norm 2.0 blog. Links to more doorscursions can be found in the comments section of Dan Anton’s Thursday Doors post.

by Scooj

Door logo, Thursday doors

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

14 thoughts on “Thursday doors – 9 November 2023, Todi, Italy”

  1. I had to laugh at “What the heck is going on behind these doors?” Seriously, that looks like quite the setup. I love houses and buildings that are set on hills. The stairs to the (next to last) entrance look a little dicey, unless you stay to the left on the way down.

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