Bnie, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024

6138. M32 roundabout J3 (584)

Bnie, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024
Bnie, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024

This wonderful piece by Bnie was painted during an interesting paint jam honouring Wispa’s birthday, even though she wasn’t present. That’s what friends are for. The theme for the paint jam was sweets and confections, I guess because Wispa is fond of such things.

Bnie, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024
Bnie, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024

Bnie has gone to town with this amazing representation of a Yorkie bar, chocolate I haven’t eaten for more than twenty years, in which she has replaced the word Yorkie with her letters BNIE, in the correct brand style. I love this kind of piece, because it stretches the artist to step outside their comfort zone, and Bnie has done a cracking job with this one. The full RBF wall is shown in the photograph below:

Bnie + RBF paint jam, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024
Bnie + RBF paint jam, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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