Evey, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024

6142. M32 roundabout J3 (586)

Evey, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024
Evey, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024

Hurrah, for this cheeky piece of graffiti writing by Evey created during a paint jam organised by RBF (Resting Bitch face Crew) for Wispa’s birthday. Regular observers of Natural Adventures will note that this is not the first time Evey has used this idea, and given its popularity, she has created it again.

Evey, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024
Evey, M32 roundabout, Bristol, June 2024

The saucy letters – EVEN – contain a bottom and fishnet stockings to make up the ‘V’. The whole thing is full of fun, which some characterisation of both of the ‘Es’ thrown into the mix. A spiky orange surround and ‘confetti’ round off this party piece. Great wok from Evey.

Evey, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, March 2024
Evey, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, March 2024

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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