6100. Sparke Evans Park (97)

Kosc, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, May 2024
Kosc, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, May 2024

It is too easy to be seduced into expecting outstanding work from Kosc, and what I mean by that is that it isn’t easy to turn out unbelievably great from work every painting session, and it shouldn’t be taken for granted. Kosc works really hard, continuously improves and seems to be reaching another level these days.

Kosc, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, May 2024
Kosc, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, May 2024

This piece was painted alongside Stivs (to follow) in a collaboration that shares a colour scheme and combination theme. It would seem that the creative ideas were liberally shared, with Kosc creating some calligraffiti letters in a kind of Gothic font which have turned out really well. The eye though is drawn to the extraordinary portrait replacing the ‘O’ of Kosc. The fine detail and sheer beauty of the portrait is unbelievable, and that it is painted in two shades simply adds to the wonder of the piece. Kosc’s portrait work is magnificent, and this piece showcases it perfectly. We are blessed in Bristol.