3985. Victoria Street, Burnham-on-Sea

A couple of weeks ago, I took a day off and decided to take a trip up to Weston-super-Mare to photograph some epic new pieces by Irony and Dan Kitchener. On the way home I decided to call in at Burnham-on-Sea, because I had seen a few pieces on Instagram and anyhow, I had never been there before. I am so glad that I did, not least because I got to see this magnificent piece from Andrew Burns Colwill.

Andrew Burns Colwill, Victoria Street, Burnham-on-sea, September 2021
Andrew Burns Colwill, Victoria Street, Burnham-on-sea, September 2021

ABC is without doubt one of the best fine artists in Bristol, and he carries his canvass work seamlessly across to large walls without appearing to break step, and the end result is pieces like this one.

Andrew Burns Colwill, Victoria Street, Burnham-on-sea, September 2021
Andrew Burns Colwill, Victoria Street, Burnham-on-sea, September 2021

Now, I haven’t done any research, and perhaps I should have done, because I have no idea what this is all about. I mean I get the donkey bit, with the association with a holiday beach, but the toilet completely baffles me, and could have a plethora of meanings. Perhaps in this instance it would be better not to swell on the meaning and instead to focus on the quality and skill of an artist at his absolute best. It is worth a trip to this sleepy seaside town for this piece alone.