23Magpies, North Street, Upfest, Bristol, July 2016

414. Upfest 2016 (41)

23Magpies is an artist I have admired for sometime now. Although she has already featured in one Upfest 2016 post already, her ‘official’ work, I couldn’t resist including some of her ‘extras’.

23Magpies, North Street, Upfest, Bristol, July 2016
23Magpies, North Street, Upfest, Bristol, July 2016

These extras are often left behind by street artists during a festival and wheatpastes in particular seem to appear all over the place. 23Magpies leaves these treats for people like me to find. Often she pastes them onto utility boxes and lamp posts.

23Magpies, North Street, Upfest, Bristol, July 2016
23Magpies, North Street, Upfest, Bristol, July 2016

Generally to get a good look and photograph one needs to stoop somewhat drawing strange glances from passers-by. Of course if you don’t look, you won’t see. Some will never see beyond their next text message.

23Magpies, North Street, Upfest, Bristol, July 2016
23Magpies, North Street, Upfest, Bristol, July 2016

23Magpies is known for her wildlife and environmental themes in her work and with this cat and mouse pair she doesn’t sdisappoint. More 23Magpies extras in a future post…I promise.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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