23 Magpies and D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July2016

485. Upfest 2016 (59)

Somehow this seems to be the perfect wheatpaste pairing. The fabulous D7606 bottles that can be found in so many places and the enchanting one-off pieces that 23 Magpies leaves for explorers to find.

23 Magpies and D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
23 Magpies and D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
I have seen D7606’s bottles in a number of places in Bristol and in London, and I guess they are in other cities too. He is a busy wheatpaster, and one I admire.

23 Magpies, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
23 Magpies, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
The gorgeous bearded emperor tamarin (I think) is beautifully framed in  a designed contemporary context, and the whole piece is very small indeed.. I really do love 23 Magpies’ work, and get a real thrill every time I find one of her pieces. I hope she returns to Bristol before next year’s Upfest.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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