Laic217, M32 Roundabout, Bristol, April 2017

771. M32 roundabout, J3 (36)

I was in two minds about posting about this Laic217 piece, because it is so unlike anything I have seen from him before, and something of a departure from the trajectory he has been on recently. I am not too sure also that I like it very much…it might be something to do with the insipid colours. But hey this blog isn’t just about what I like, it is about what I see.

Laic217, M32 Roundabout, Bristol, April 2017
Laic217, M32 Roundabout, Bristol, April 2017

Actually, now that I am scrutinising it a little more thoroughly, there is quite a lot here to like. The animal, the alien in a spaceship over eyes and the customary brick wall. I guess the monochrome approach is something I’ve not seen before from this artist (spoiler alert…but I have seen since).

Laic217, M32 Roundabout, Bristol, April 2017
Laic217, M32 Roundabout, Bristol, April 2017

Not the best, but still something rather compelling about his work, and how much has he improved over the last year?

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

3 thoughts on “771. M32 roundabout, J3 (36)”

  1. there’s a zine -fifty shades of spray- that deals with a single colour per issue: orange, black, chrome, yellow etc

    currently they’re accepting any piece in a single colour with black and white, that’s why you’re seeing so many pieces with monochromes from deamze, laic etc

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