Soap, Brunel Way, Bristol, August 2019

2415. Brunel Way Bridge (20)

There is something a little understated about this piece by Soap on the footpath under Brunel Way. It is a fine piece of writing spelling out SOAP with nice fills and background, and something of a cosmic feel about it, but for me it just falls shy of the mark, and I can’t get my head round why.

Soap, Brunel Way, Bristol, August 2019
Soap, Brunel Way, Bristol, August 2019

After a very active spring and early summer, Soap seems to have slowed down a little more recently, maybe he has been away or been working hard, or equally possible I have just missed his works – I cannot be everywhere all of the time. Looking forward to seeing more of his stuff soon.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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