Raid, River Avon, Bristol, June 2023

5386. River Avon (47)

Raid, River Avon, Bristol, June 2023
Raid, River Avon, Bristol, June 2023

When a new artist makes it on to your radar, it becomes very difficult not to see their work everywhere, especially if they are as productive as Raid seem to be. Raid made his debut on Natural Adventures back in March this year, and since then he has appeared seven times, and I still have some of his work in my files. Look out for a gallery before Christmas.

Raid, River Avon, Bristol, June 2023
Raid, River Avon, Bristol, June 2023

The letters RAID, I imagine, are quite fun to play with, and the way that Raid writes with large bold lettering, gives him plenty of scope for interesting fills. The letters are joined at the base, and the fill bleeds from one letter to the next. Some nice swirly psychedelic forms and shapes fill the space nicely Some nice touches include a thin orange border on the right-hand side of the letters and a decent 3D drop shadow capped off with a tight black border. This is another fine piece from Raid.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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