5840. Manchester, Northern Quarter

D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024
D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024

I recently visited Manchester for a work meeting, the second visit I have made in a matter of a few months, and made the most of the morning before the meeting started to revisit the Northern Quarter. I spend about an hour weaving my way through all the little backstreets, snapping away at so many pieces of street art and graffiti – it was like being a child in a sweet shop. Among all the pieces, I found several wheatpastes from D7606, who hasn’t appeared on these pages for a long while. I don’t know how old some of these paste ups are, but they appear to have weathered pretty well.

D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024
D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024

I have met D7606 when he has been visiting Bristol for Upfest, but it is becoming increasingly difficult for wheatpasters at the festival, because the organisers have to remove posters and paste ups after the event, so they are discouraged, which is a pity.

D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024
D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024

Here are some wonderful post boxes, telephone boxes and old style telephones with some celebrity additions for you to enjoy. Original ideas that are executed well and replicated all over the country. Great to see some more of D7606’s work (I feel a galley coming on).

D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024
D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024
D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024
D7606, Northern Quarter, Manchester, February 2024

2591. Upfest 2018 (162)

More from Upfest 2018 with this fine trio of paste up balloons by D7606, each one with a face of Twiggy on them. D7606 pasted up 10 of these balloons (complete with string) to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Upfest.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2019
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2019

I have a feeling that they are still intact after almost eighteen months, probably because they were secured high up and out of the reach. These three take my total posted up to six. Did I find them all? Actually I’m not sure, as I still have so many pictures in my Upfest folder yet to post. Keep watching this space. Always a pleasure to find D7606’s work.

1907. Upfest 2018 (103)

This is the third of D7606’s 10 celebratory balloons that he pasted up around the Upfest site to celebrate the 10 years that the festival has been running.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018

In this one, which completely upstages the Tesco poster on which it is pasted, we are presented with an image of Frida Kahlo – a popular figure for street artists.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018

I have more of these balloons, but am not quite sure if I collected all ten of them – we’ll have to wait and see when I get to the end of my Upfest 2018 posts.

1740. Frogmore Street (8)

I was moved to dig out this old wheatpaste from my archives when I saw the wonderful Upfest 10th anniversary balloons that had been pasted up all over Bedminster by D7606. It can happen a lot when you have so many unpublished photographs, and I regularly scour my files to see if there are anty gems that I may have overlooked…well this was one of them.

D7606, Frogmore Street, Bristol, September 2015
D7606, Frogmore Street, Bristol, September 2015

This blue balloon with the face of Elizabeth Taylor was pasted up over my absolute favourite piece of street art in Bristol and one that inspired me to write this blog, by JPS. Such a great wall and a clever place for D7606 to position his balloon. I am pleased to bring the pictures out of archive.

1661. Upfest 2018 (12)

To celebrate 10 years of Upfest (I can’t believe I have only been to three of them) D7606, a wheatpaster and I guess unofficial artist at the festival scattered ten paste up balloons, each with a famous face, high up on the main streets of Bedminster.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018

These are the first two that I found, one with Twiggy and the other with Elizabeth Taylor. Finding each was like a prize, and the hunt was great fun. I bumped in to D7606 several times over two days and as ever, he was very happy to talk about his work and experiences.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018

I love the addition of a string to each of the balloons which was loose and able to blow around in the breeze. D7606 told me he had to paste them high up, so that they didn’t get pulled down. Several of them have gone already, but not to trophy hunters, rather, they have been pasted over with new advertisements. These balloons were a worthy addition to the 10th Upfest…hats off to D7606.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2018

1365. Upfest 2017 (144)

What a treat. Longstanding readers will know that I am fond of wheatpastes and this little bricked up window at the end of North Street was an absolute treasure trove.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017

At the top is a D7606 telephone box with David Bowie strutting his stuff. I have written about a larger version of this in Stokes Croft in a previous post. All around this vibrant paste up is a collage of black and white pieces by D7606 and C3.

Losthills and C3, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017
Losthills and C3, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017

Underneath the telephone box sitting snugly side by side is another playful Jake the dog by Losthills, this time dressed up as a wonderful hippie. On Jake’s right is a subtle but lovely paste up by C3…but there is more…

Losthills, C3 and Jimzina, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017
Losthills, C3 and Jimzina, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017

…pan back slightly and to the right of the C3 is another Jimzina menu-woman to add to the several I have already posted, and let’s not ignore the Goopmasta sticker (more from him in a couple of posts). All in all a lovely wall.

1111. Upfest 2017 (92)

Post 1111 – this would have David Shepherd hopping in his grave (an oblique reference to one of England’s finest cricket umpires). This small wheatpaste is a collaboration between d7606 and PDX artist Voxx Romana, Phoebe New York, and Twiglet boy, although I am baffled how such a small piece can be a collaboration between four artists. Maybe I have misunderstood D7606’s Instagram description of this piece.

D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017
D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July 2017

So we have Albert Einstein wearing a colander on his head and a fine pair of spectacles with the face of somebody reflected in the lenses. I have no idea what this is all about, and I’m not too sure I want to know, but I do know that I like this eye-catching paste up.



943. Charles Street (2)

Some of the artists who came to Upfest made the most of their time in Bristol to decorate other areas of town, such as Stokes Croft. D7606 returned to ‘his spot’ as he described it, next to an Aspire robin. I think this must be the third or fourth telephone box that D7606 has pasted up here. This time with Debbie Harry ‘hanging on the telephone’.

D7606, Charles Street, Bristol, July 2017
D7606, Charles Street, Bristol, July 2017

I like to see his work in Bristol, as I don’t get to London much these days. A couple of the previous wheatpastes are shown below.

Aspire and D7606, Charles Street, Bristol, August 2016
Aspire and D7606, Charles Street, Bristol, August 2016
Aspire, Charles Street, Bristol
Aspire, Charles Street, Bristol

644. Grimsby Street, Shoreditch (2)

Today a look back at last Summer and a walk I took I Shoreditch. This is a great wheatpaste by D7606, and a fine tribute to the late David Bowie. D7606’s work often combines iconic figures with 20th century electronic appliances such as telephone boxes, telephones or televisions.

D7606, Grimsby Street, Shoreditch, August 2016
D7606, Grimsby Street, Shoreditch, August 2016

Always good and always quirky and fun.

485. Upfest 2016 (59)

Somehow this seems to be the perfect wheatpaste pairing. The fabulous D7606 bottles that can be found in so many places and the enchanting one-off pieces that 23 Magpies leaves for explorers to find.

23 Magpies and D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
23 Magpies and D7606, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
I have seen D7606’s bottles in a number of places in Bristol and in London, and I guess they are in other cities too. He is a busy wheatpaster, and one I admire.

23 Magpies, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
23 Magpies, Upfest, Bristol, July2016
The gorgeous bearded emperor tamarin (I think) is beautifully framed in  a designed contemporary context, and the whole piece is very small indeed.. I really do love 23 Magpies’ work, and get a real thrill every time I find one of her pieces. I hope she returns to Bristol before next year’s Upfest.