6137. Dean Lane skate park (725)

Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2024
Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2024

When I first met Jeviossoul, he was just starting up with his character portraits, but he promised me then that he would be hitting the city hard with his ‘slow lane’ pieces. True to his word, he has been productive, particularly on the fringe spots, but occasionally hitting some of the more popular walls like this one in Dean Lane.

Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2024
Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2024

I like to think of Jevoissoul as a bit of a diamond in the rough, who has an interesting style that he is improving. It is not only his style that is getting better, but his technique is definitely on the up too. This piece might be his tidiest yet, and features his character with an orange cap, swallowing an acid tab, with the words ‘one love’ in accompaniment. Watch this space to see how he progresses.

5831. Purdown (67)

Jevoissoul, Purdown, Bristol, January 2024
Jevoissoul, Purdown, Bristol, January 2024

I think I have met Jevoissoul only once, and we had a great discussion about his emergence on the scene and his likely direction of travel. He told me at that point that he had ambitions to be very busy and to paint all over Bristol. Fast-track a few months, and he appears to be realising his plans, with new pieces popping up all over the place.

Jevoissoul, Purdown, Bristol, January 2024
Jevoissoul, Purdown, Bristol, January 2024

This typical piece is on one of the square concrete slabs of the WWII gun emplacement at the top of the hill at Purdown, with commanding views across Bristol. The picassoesque character is clutching a rather large joint from which a slug of smoke wafts upwards. I like Jevoissoul’s work and I would like to see him develop his ideas to create new scenarios. I’m sure this will come in time.

5772. Brunel Way (252)

Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, December 2023
Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, December 2023

I am rather fond of Jevoissoul’s work. It doesn’t have the sharpness or precision of writers like Dibz or Smak, nor does it create extraordinary characters in the way that Sled One or 3Dom can, for example, but it has a charm and authenticity that underpins the vast spectrum of art and graffiti that we see in Bristol. On such solid foundations great things are built.

Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, December 2023
Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, December 2023

Jevoissoul has painted two of his characters with ‘Popeye’ smiles. The fills and shading is basic and effective, creating some contrast and depth in its simplest form. No Jevoissoul piece is complete without the word ‘slow’ in attendance, although I don’t know why he writes it, nor why it is pointed at the character on the left. One for the next conversation I have with the artist.

5753. M32 Cycle path (246)

Jevoissoul, M32 Cycle path, Brisol, December 2023
Jevoissoul, M32 Cycle path, Brisol, December 2023

It is my birthday – a significant one, and I have slightly taken my eye off the ball with writing my blog, so this will be an exceptionally quick one. Here we have a fun cartoony piece from Jevoissoul who emerged on the scene as recently as October last year.

Jevoissoul, M32 Cycle path, Brisol, December 2023
Jevoissoul, M32 Cycle path, Brisol, December 2023

The character has a cartoon Picassoesque feel to it and reminds me of an artist who used to paint in Bristol called Panskaribas (see below). Jevoissoul often accompanies his work with the word Slow, and he has done so in big letters in this piece – I expect to see a lot more from the artist this year.

Panskaribas, New Stadium Road, Bristol, October 2018
Panskaribas, New Stadium Road, Bristol, October 2018

5609. Dean Lane skate park (656)

Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023
Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023

I try to keep my finger on the pulse with artists who are breaking onto the Bristol scene, one of whom is Jevoissoul. There is no mistaking that he has made his mark very quickly, with several pieces scattered in the Dean Lane and Brunel Way areas, leading me to think he probably lives in south Bristol somewhere, reinforced by his use of the BS3 postcode which takes in the Bedminster area.

Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023
Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023

I have posted two quick pieces from smaller spots in the skate park. I think that Jevoissoul will produce plenty of these character faces, practising his skills and technique, with a view to producing some rather more expansive and creative pieces – something he has already started to do.

Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023
Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023

Whilst not particularly exceptional, I am posting these as a benchmark from which to measure his progress over time. I’m looking forward to the journey.

5588. Dean Lane skate park (652)

Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023
Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023

Jevoissoul has hit the ground running and here he has painted a classic portrait piece complete with joint and stylised smoke, all painted in his Picassoesque cartoon style. He is brave too, there are no many new artists who would paint this wall so early on in their development, and to be fair, Jevoissoul has carried it off well.

Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023
Jevoissoul, Dean Lane, Bristol, October 2023

When I met him a little while back, Jevoissoul told me that he has been drafting and sketching his characters for years and is very familiar with his material. The challenge for him has been to scale up his work and to adapt to using spray cans, both of which he has done admirably. I have a feeling we will be seeing a lot more of Jevoissoul over the coming months/years.

5570. Brunel Way (240)

Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2023
Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2023

I said that I would bring you more pieces by Jevoissoul, and I am true to my word. Jevoissoul is a new artist trying his hand at painting walls and making a good fist of it from what I have seen so far, and he is in a bit of a hurry, having painted several small pieces in the Brunel Way/Dean Lane area. His name is interesting, and I guess is a corruption of Je vois soul – I see soul.

Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2023
Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2023

In this character portrait piece our hero is wearing a cap with the postcode BS3 on it and smoking a roll-up. The word SLOW accompanies the piece, and is seen on many of his other pieces too. Everything about Jevoissoul’s work and character suggests a pretty chilled and laid back person, or at least that is how I read it. I expect we’ll be seeing a lot more from the artist in the coming months, I have a feeling he is only just getting started.

5563. Brunel Way (238)

Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, September 2023
Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, September 2023

Today, being a Sunday, I have a little bit more capacity to write a third post, which is rather necessary, given the vastness of my backlog. Let me introduce you to a new artist on the scene, Jevoissoul, who I met at this exact spot a couple of weeks after he painted this interesting column piece. When I first saw the piece, I wondered if an artist called Panskaribas (whose style is similar to this) had returned to Bristol, as there are many shared characteristics between the artists, such as the cartoon Picassoesque style.

Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, September 2023
Jevoissoul, Brunel Way, Bristol, September 2023

What is most impressive is that Jevoissoul has jumped straight from sketchbook to walls, using this area under Brunel Way to practice his spray can control and technique. When I spoke with the artist, he told me that this was just the beginning and that he was planning to do a lot of painting, and indeed that is exactly what is happening, his work is popping up all over the place. I think I am going to enjoy watching how Jevoissoul develops as a street artist from this encouraging start.