Kleiner Shames and Epok, Dean Lane, Bristol, July 2018

1631. Dean Lane skate park (149)

I always look forward to Kleiner Shames’ visits to Bristol, because every time he leaves behind something to marvel at. This is a miraculous collaboration with Epok, and demonstrates what can be achieved by two street artists at the top of their game.

Kleiner Shames and Epok, Dean Lane, Bristol, July 2018
Kleiner Shames and Epok, Dean Lane, Bristol, July 2018

The first thing to notice is the fabulous colour selection, which is very much influenced by Kleiner Shames, as I have seen him use these colours several times before. The genius of the piece is in the letters. Epok always writes EPOK and Kleiner Shames writes FOIS. In this piece I can read both…how do they do that?

Kleiner Shames and Epok, Dean Lane, Bristol, July 2018
Kleiner Shames and Epok, Dean Lane, Bristol, July 2018

The highly designed style of the piece works to both of their strengths, but the execution is what makes this piece so good. Clean lines, incredible shapes and some really interesting shadows. It reminds me of so many fine artists of the twentieth century. I love this piece and it is without doubt my favourite writing work so far this year. Bravo boys.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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