Mr Crawls and Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2023

5696. Peel Street Green (23)

Mr Crawls and Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2023
Mr Crawls and Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2023

One of the most entertaining and, on reflection, most likely collaborative partnerships is that between Mote and Mr Crawls. The biggest surprise is perhaps that this coming together hadn’t happened Sooner. This is the second collaborative piece that I have posted, and I have another waiting to post, although that one is rather badly tagged.

Mr Crawls and Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2023
Mr Crawls and Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2023

To the left, Mr Crawls has come up with something really unusual, and for once not a bird. Quite what it is, though, I am not sure. Bones, horns, a muzzle with sharp teeth – a rather nasty monster. Next tom this imaginary beast is a bird monster by Mote, looking a little more evil than some of his character creations – perhaps it is the company it is keeping. This motley duo (the characters, not the artists) prop up the far end of the long wall at Peel Street Green.

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

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