Evey, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, February 2024

5876. Sparke Evans Park (694)

Evey, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, February 2024
Evey, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, February 2024

This is a really interesting paint jam piece from Evey, celebrating Desi’s and her own birthday a few weeks back. The reason that it is interesting is that Evey has gone with a totally different style of graffiti writing from her comfort zone. This piece is a little bit more ‘hard-core’ and traditional, demonstrating her growing confidence and skills with a spray can.

Evey, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, February 2024
Evey, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, February 2024

I would say that this is a really great piece of writing, although I feel the bottom half is stronger than the top half, which may have something to do with the colour selections. The bottom half pops, the top half less so. This phenomenon is not peculiar to Evey, I see this in quite a lot of pieces of writing, where the top half drifts a bit. More contrast with the background might do the trick… but what do I know?

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I am Stephen. I live in Bristol, UK. I decided to shorten my profile...to this: Wildlife, haiku, travel, streetart, psychogeography and my family. Not necessarily in that order.

One thought on “5876. Sparke Evans Park (694)”

  1. Indeed a cracking piece of writing and yes the colour selections help the bottom half ‘pop’ more than the top half. It’s so good to see her taking her work to the next level time and time again . . .

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