5653. Peel Street Green (21)

Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

It feels like quite a while since I last posted a piece by Claro_que_sssnoh, and even longer since I saw evidence of a paint jam by him and his Spanish compatriots in the Sunday Lovers crew/collective.

Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

I like the wall at Peel Street Green, because its layout lends itself to a gallery appearance, with each section of wall occupied by a single piece. Also there is very little tagging that happens here, rather there is a rolling replacement of each piece with a new piece. Claro_que_sssnoh has written his usual HONS letters in his unique style and added in plenty of decorations to his light off-white fill. The numbers 23 tell you it was painted in 2023 and the letters SL refer to Sunday Lovers. It is always good to fine pieces by Claro_que_sssnoh.

5514. Dean Lane skate park (639)

Yield, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023
Yield, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023

Yield is an artist who has been around for a little while, but whose work in rapidly improving and becoming more dominant. I believe Yield is part of the Sunday Lovers crew, so I would assume he (taking a gamble on gender) is probably Spanish. I haven’t posted much of Yield’s work to date, but the time has come to rectify that.

Yield, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023
Yield, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023

The playful piece in Dean Lane, which was painted alongside From Bacerlona, is full of colour and has a really up-beat feel to it. I don’t think that Yield has a particular ‘house font’ and each piece I have seen tends to be quite different from the last. What I have seen recently fills me with excitement about what Yield might be creating in the coming months.

UPDATE: Yield is not part of the Sunday Lovers, it would appear that any work alongside theirs in coincidental.

5435. Greenbank (88)

Dator, Greenbank, Bristol, August 2023
Dator, Greenbank, Bristol, August 2023

I got lucky with this piece while walking on my little circuit, taking in the long hoardings at Greenbank. This shorter hoarding is at the entrance to the development site, opposite the cemetary,  and has only recently been ‘decorated’ with graffiti. There was an artist painting a small character piece when I passed, so of course I introduced myself and struck up a conversation. It turns out that the artist was Dator, who paints with the Sunday Lovers, and the character he was painting was next to this piece of writing he had painted the day before.

Dator, Greenbank, Bristol, August 2023
Dator, Greenbank, Bristol, August 2023

Dator told me that he likes to vary his style from piece to piece, so it can be difficult to identify his work, especially as he doesn’t sign it. The letters here say S LOVERS, and is beautifully crafted. The letters have a hint of Claro_que_SSSNOH style about them, which is perhaps not a surprise, as adjacent to this is a piece by him too. The fills are skilfully worked and the whole thing is neat and tidy. Dator is a really nice man and was happy to chat for a while, long enough for the dog to get bored! Now I need to go through my archives and see if I can dig out any unattributed pieces that might have been painted by Dator.

5385. Sparke Evans Park (75)

From Bacerlona, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023
From Bacerlona, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023

A short time ago, I published the first post featuring From Bacerlona, a Spanish artist who paints alongside his fellow Sunday Lovers. That first piece was vibrant and exciting, and this one, which I believe might have been painted before the other, has that same excitement about it.

From Bacerlona, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023
From Bacerlona, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023

Possibly spelling BACER (or maybe BARCA), the blocky letters are at the centre of numerous graffiti-style arrows, which From Bacerlona seems to favour some. The fills keep the eyes busy and contain a lot of spots and a little brick wall – gotta love a brick wall. There is loads of movement in the writing and I have to say I really rather like From Bacerlona’s style. Lots more to come, I hope.

5367. Dean Lane skate park (621)

From Bacerlona, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023
From Bacerlona, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023

From Bacerlona, an artist whose work I have definitely seen and captured before, makes his Natural Adventures debut with this assured and vibrant piece of graffiti writing down at Dean Lane. The Spanish artist is one of several who meet up at weekends under the loose crew name of Sunday Lovers.

From Bacerlona, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023
From Bacerlona, Dean Lane, Bristol, June 2023

I haven’t yet worked out what the letters spell, but they are similar in style, to a certain extent, to those painted by Claro_que_sssnoh, in particular the arrows and rows of diminishing spots. The piece is joyful and leaps off the wall, with plenty of detail and different shapes to feast upon. I have to say that I really like this piece and need to be more mindful of posting his work, perhaps going back through my archives and digging some of it out.


A gallery of incredible graffiti writing from Bristol’s Spanish Sunday lover.

Instagram: @claro_que_ssnoh

all photographs by Scooj

Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, June 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, June 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, March 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, March 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, New Stadium Road, Bristol. January 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, New Stadium Road, Bristol. January 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, July 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, July 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, May 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, May 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, April 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, April 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, February 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, February 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, December 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, December 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle Path, Bristol, July 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle Path, Bristol, July 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, May 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, May 2021
Claro_que_ssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, March 2021
Claro_que_ssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, March 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 roundabout, Bristol, April 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 roundabout, Bristol, April 2021
Claro_Que_sssnoh, Frome side, Bristol, December 2020
Claro_Que_sssnoh, Frome side, Bristol, December 2020
Claro_que_sssnoh, River Avon, Bristol, November 2020
Claro_que_sssnoh, River Avon, Bristol, November 2020
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, August 2020
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, August 2020
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, October 2020
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, October 2020