5653. Peel Street Green (21)

Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

It feels like quite a while since I last posted a piece by Claro_que_sssnoh, and even longer since I saw evidence of a paint jam by him and his Spanish compatriots in the Sunday Lovers crew/collective.

Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

I like the wall at Peel Street Green, because its layout lends itself to a gallery appearance, with each section of wall occupied by a single piece. Also there is very little tagging that happens here, rather there is a rolling replacement of each piece with a new piece. Claro_que_sssnoh has written his usual HONS letters in his unique style and added in plenty of decorations to his light off-white fill. The numbers 23 tell you it was painted in 2023 and the letters SL refer to Sunday Lovers. It is always good to fine pieces by Claro_que_sssnoh.

5374. Sparke Evans Park (74)

Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023

A consistently great writer in Bristol is Claro_que_sssnoh, with his distinctive and unusual style of graffiti writing. This one is a bright and shiny golden piece, which works well on the rather dark and gloomy wall.

Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2023

Spelling out HONS, the joined up letters offer a mixture of straight and curly letter shapes that typify Claro_que_sssnoh’s style. Some nice fills, including some trademark series of spots. The pink and yellows work surprisingly well together, and altogether this is a top quality piece from the Sunday Loving Spaniard.

5122. Greenbank (76)

Posting abo

Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, March 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, March 2023

ut Claro_que_sssnoh, is always troublesome, because his name is difficult to type at the best of times, but when I am in a rush (which I usually am when writing my posts) it is extra difficult. Perhaps I should have paid better attention at the touch-typing classes my mother made me do in a classroom above a shop in Oxford Street, when I was in my early 20s.

Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, March 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Greenbank, Bristol, March 2023

Claro’s work (see what I did there?)  is always good to see as it offers a unique take on graffiti writing. The letters HONS laid down in an almost continuous line of joined up writing with equal measure of long straight lines and curvy lines is a unique style here in Bristol, and makes his work easy to identify (most of the time. The dark blue background is a little unusual, but contrasts well with the ‘fruit salad’ colours of the writing. A lovely piece from Claro.

4990. New Stadium Road (46)

Claro_que_sssnoh, New Stadium Road, Bristol. January 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, New Stadium Road, Bristol. January 2023

This spot has become rather challenging to photograph in recent months. It is adjacent to the Shah Jalal Jame Mosque, and cars park in every conceivable space at prayer times, including in this tight underpass. If you get the timing wrong (which I seem to with alarming regularity) then it is almost impossible to photograph the street/graffiti art without cars, but such are the risks with pieces being overpainted, that it is better to get whatever pictures you can, whenever you can.

Claro_que_sssnoh, New Stadium Road, Bristol. January 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, New Stadium Road, Bristol. January 2023

This is yet another wonderful piece from Claro_que_sssnoh, who for a little while I thought might have departed these shores due to a long gap in any new work from him. Set on yellow, his HONS letters in his unique style are beautifully filled and finished. Although this style isn’t necessarily to everyone’s liking, there is no denying that it is technically well worked. Looking forward to more from Claro_que_sssnoh in 2023

4579. M32 Cycle path (180)

From time to time you find a wall that an artist ‘owns’ and I guess the maxim ‘possession is nine tenths of the law’ kicks in. This wall seems to belong to Claro_que_sssnoh, and in the main other artists leave him to it. When it does get painted by someone else, he eventually reclaims the spot.

Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, July 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 cycle path, Bristol, July 2022

Claro_que_sssnoh has such a distinctive and attractive style, and with this piece, he has absolutely smashed it in terms of colour palette. His slim joined-up letters, spelling HONS, are filled with some outstanding patterns and designs and the whole piece stands out from the red background. This is a very nice piece from the Spanish artist.

4445. M32 Cycle path (175)

Another artist who consistently turns out High-quality pieces time and time again is Claro_que_sssnoh, and this one is on one of his favoured walls on the M32 Cycle path.

Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, April 2022
Claro_que_sssnoh, M32 Cycle path, Bristol, April 2022

All the ingredients are there, his intricate joined up writing, looking a little bit like pipework, set on a gorgeous red background with drips. The subtle blue fill patterns in the letters are really nicely worked and the whole thing looks strong and confident. Great writing from the Spanish artist.

4059. Brunel Way (131)

In this piece on the long wall under Brunel Way, we see Claro_que_sssnoh doing what Claro_que_ssnoh does so well – that is create distinctive interesting writing that creates a wonderful pattern of shape and colour.

Claro_que_sssnoh, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, Brunel Way, Bristol, October 2021

His work usually spells out HONS and his combination of curvy and straight lines are decorated with lines, patterns and dots in equal measure. In this piece it is the colour palette that is most notable, brightening up this drab and dingy corner. Painted as part of an HMR paint jam, it was the pick of the bunch alongside Dabuten Tronko.

4042. Sparke Evans Park (17)

This lovely piece of graffiti writing from Claro_que_sssnoh has been sitting in my ‘departure lounge’ for months and months, it got left behind and dropped off my radar. In a recent clear up, I found it again, and have dusted it off for posting.

Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2021
Claro_que_sssnoh, Sparke Evans Park, Bristol, June 2021

The colours work quite well, although I am not too sure about the pink and the red being comfortable bedfellows, something doesn’t quite feel right. The letters, spelling HONS, are in typical Claro style, that is long and thin, combining smooth curves with angular elements, and filled with lots of circles and other decorations. Glad to have hauled this out of the pending list.