3014. Frome side (1)

At last, with the help of Paul H, I have been able to access a spot where great treasures are painted. I guess that it is fitting that the first piece (of many, many I hope) from this spot is by Ryder, who has been tireless in keeping our walls fresh for as long as I have been writing about street/graffiti art, and indeed quite a while longer than that.

Ryder, Frome side, Bristol, June 2020
Ryder, Frome side, Bristol, June 2020

This is a very nice piece indeed from the RAW man with his customary tidy writing and faces lurking within the letters being reflected in a ‘watery’ medium beneath a thin layer of mist. Great colours and great execution and an all round winning piece.

1619. Dean Lane skate park (147)

It is only about three months ago that I first found out about Slim Pickings. Since that time, I have met him, posted about him and found quite a few of his pieces in my archive. This one is rather interesting because it is a mirror image of his usual tag.

Slim Pickings, Dean Lane, Bristol, January 2018
Slim Pickings, Dean Lane, Bristol, January 2018

I don’t know if this would have been easy for him to do, or a real challenge. I would find it very difficult, because I struggle with mirror image layout. I know this because I live in a semi-detached building which has a mirrored layout on each side. When I have been next door, it does my head in. I can’t transpose the reflection in my head. Slim Pickings has left us with a perfect reflection beautifully sprayed in chrome. More to come from this No Frills artist.