5193. Peel Street Green (11)

Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, April 2023
Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, April 2023

In his own words, Mote has had a little bit of a quiet patch lately, although I have to say I hadn’t noticed as there is always so much of his work about the place to find. He assures me, though, that he has rediscovered his mojo and his enthusiasm for painting on the streets again, which can only be a good thing.

Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, April 2023
Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, April 2023

This is quite a large piece at the end of the wall in Peel Street Green, featuring another crazy, creative monster. The cartoon style used by Mote renders all of his characters as rather loveable, no matter how many nasty teeth or strange eyes they might have. Mote has left us with a very tidily painted and crisply finished piece here, which is great to see.

4785. Peel Street Green (10)

Desi, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022
Desi, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022

The progress of Desi continues with this large piece in Peel Street Green which clearly demonstrates her developing confidence. The letters spelling out DEZI, switching things up a bit with the Z for the usual S.

Desi, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022
Desi, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022

I don’t think I have ever seen Desi paint on a buffed wall, so her pieces have to compete with an often busy background, however, her piece on this occasion is so bold that it stands out beautifully. A nice fill, nice stars and some great accompanying hearts. All good.

4782. Peel Street Green (9)

Wxttsart, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022
Wxttsart, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022

A short couple of posts today, I have things to do and people to see etc. and have left everything a bit late.

This is a fine piece of writing by Wxttsart in Peel Street Green. It is a nice tidy piece and is verging on the style of calligraffiti with its uniform lettering style, but a touch of Wxttsart chaos.

Wxttsart, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022
Wxttsart, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2022

I love his letters MILK, it somehow softens the edge presented by graffiti in the first place, unthreatening and wholesome. Another fine piece of writing from the artist. More to come very soon…

4599. Peel Street Green

I am rather excited this morning, because I am off to Cheltenham later on, to enjoy the delights of the Paint Festival, conceived and organised by the brilliant and tireless Dice 67 (Andy Davies). In the meanwhile, I will share this lovely piece from Smut on the long wall at Peel Street Green.

Smut, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2022
Smut, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2022

Smut has moved on from his thin script writing, which he has retained in his signature, but what has not changed is his incredible sharpness and accuracy in his work. The letters have been superbly filled, with the ‘watery’ patterning flowing from letter to letter in a coherent way, rather than discrete fills for each one. A black 3D shadow and perfect red border finish the piece off nicely. Smut’s high standards go from strength to strength.

4291. Peel Street Green (6)

I have been pleasantly surprised by how many New pieces Haka is creating these days, or perhaps I am just getting better at finding them and posting them. Either way, his influence and impact on the Bristol street art scene is tangible and significant.

Haka, Peel Street Green, Bristol, March 2022
Haka, Peel Street Green, Bristol, March 2022

This is a fabulous and fun piece on the long wall at Peel Street Green, and features a Garfield cartoon character driving a railroad engine through a rural scene. Jesse is a name that appears on some of Haka’s works, but I can’t help wanting to make the link to Jesse James, although I don’t think there is one. This is a lovely clean and tidy piece painted in Haka’s very individual idiosyncratic style. Two blog posts from this artist in two days… maybe it is time for a gallery.

4278. Peel Street Green (5)

I can’t believe it took me so long to find this spot, however, there is no point crying over spilt milk, is there? It is actually a nice spot to visit, because the dog likes the walk alongside the river, and there is a reasonable amount of turnover, so there is usually something new to see.

Nugmoose, Peel Street Green, Bristol, February 2022
Nugmoose, Peel Street Green, Bristol, February 2022

Nugmoose and Slakarts often paint together, one with his alien curiosities and the other with his stylised faces. Their styles are different, but there is a chemistry between the two, l would think sealed by their friendship. On the left is nugmoose’s alien, complete with mushrooms and spherical objects, and of course some alien writing.

Slakarts, Peel Street Green, Bristol, February 2022
Slakarts, Peel Street Green, Bristol, February 2022

On the right hand side is a classic Slakarts face, in bright and shiny chrome. I feel a gallery coming on for Nugmoose, and an updated gallery for Slakarts. The S Lover letters above the alien is a reference to Saturday Lover, a loose ‘crew’ approach to painting on Saturdays. You see it quite a lot about the place.

4275. Peel Street Green (4)

Angry Face seems to paint in fits and starts. You’ll see nothing for months and then he will paint a spate of maybe five or six of his trademark angry faces about the place, and then dissolve back into a fleeting memory.

Angry Face, Peel Street Green, Bristol, February 2022
Angry Face, Peel Street Green, Bristol, February 2022

This one is rather nicely placed adjacent to a tree in Peel Street Green. I think I might pop up there this afternoon with the dog, because I believe there are a few new pieces there since my last visit. What you see is what you get with Angry Face. He is another artist without whom the Bristol scene simply wouldn’t feel complete.

4175. Peel Street Green (3)

There are about eight panels of graffiti writing at Peel Street Green, and I have to confess that there are several by artists that I don’t recognise, which only goes to show that there is a great deal For me still to learn. No mistaking this lovely piece of writing, which is by Smak.

Smak, Peel Street Green, Bristol, January 2022
Smak, Peel Street Green, Bristol, January 2022

The colour palette works really well, and Smak does have a really good eye for his colour combinations. Spelling SMAK, there is a whole lot of movement in the piece, which is dynamic and full of interest. Swapping the base blue and orange from letter to letter is cleverly done, resulting in a complex piece that is easy on the eye. The work of a craftsman.

4089. Peel Street Green (2)

There are so many artists in Bristol whose work has never appeared in Natural Adventures before. The reasons for this are complex, but are not related to a quality or standard that needs to be met, rather to a familiarity with the work and the ‘right time’ for me to embrace them in these pages.

Krops, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2021
Krops, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2021

The latest debutant is Krops whose work is all over Bristol, with this lovely chrome piece featuring a Mario Bros. Mario in the middle. Typically, Krops uses the letters/character combination to great effect usually with the character in the middle. I have plenty of his pieces in my archives and hope to share them with you in time.

4064. Peel Street Green (1)

It is always worth going the extra mile, or a few hundred yards at least. I recently followed the River Frome from the M32 roundabout into town, because I wanted to stretch my and the the dog’s legs a bit. What we found was a little green with a long wall covered in graffiti writing, that I have long been aware of, but never actually found before. Well now I have found it and the spot will be assimilated into part of my regular ‘rounds’ when I have a little extra time on my hands (some chance these days).

3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2021
3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2021

Opposite the long wall and on the other side of the green is a small wall with this single recent piece from 3Dom. This is so typical of his surreal style, featuring a character with a cloud head, dotted with a string of alternating happy and sad smiley emojis. This beautifully painted and colourful piece probably has a back story going on, but I am not too sure what it is. Might it have something to do with the changing climate?

A great spot and a great piece.