5653. Peel Street Green (21)

Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

It feels like quite a while since I last posted a piece by Claro_que_sssnoh, and even longer since I saw evidence of a paint jam by him and his Spanish compatriots in the Sunday Lovers crew/collective.

Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Claro_que_sssnoh, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

I like the wall at Peel Street Green, because its layout lends itself to a gallery appearance, with each section of wall occupied by a single piece. Also there is very little tagging that happens here, rather there is a rolling replacement of each piece with a new piece. Claro_que_sssnoh has written his usual HONS letters in his unique style and added in plenty of decorations to his light off-white fill. The numbers 23 tell you it was painted in 2023 and the letters SL refer to Sunday Lovers. It is always good to fine pieces by Claro_que_sssnoh.

5629. Peel Street Green (20)

Haka, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Haka, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

I remember, looking back, that a few years back I used to think of Haka as something of an ‘edgy’ graffiti writer and artist as there were sometimes quite hard-hitting narratives alongside his work, but I think I was wrong at the time, and in recent years his work has been gentle and humorous and a joy to witness.

Haka, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023
Haka, Peel Street Green, Bristol, October 2023

This new piece in Peel Street Green is a reflection of his work over the last 20 years and features a wonderful Snoopy character sitting on a rocket alongside some cheery bright and colourful letters. His work is upbeat and fun and these days works especially well for younger viewers, as many of his references are children’s cartoon or picture book characters. I hope this one stays as long as his Garfield piece in the same location.

5403. Peel Street Green (19)

Trafficity, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023
Trafficity, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023

Trafficity is an artist I have huge respect for. His unique pieces are incredibly consistent in style as well as quality. The word he writes is ZIOM and is a slang term for homie, bro, friend etc. The term I guess is appropriate and relevant in an urban culture setting.

Trafficity, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023
Trafficity, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023

Trafficity’s letters are interesting, in that they are quite blocky and they interlock rather neatly. I think that there is probably more going on than meets the eye, and I have often wondered it there is some sub-lettering going on. For example across the top I can quite clearly see the word ‘MUMM’. Of course, this might be entirely coincidental and unintended, but I think the only way of finding out is asking the artist, should I ever bump into him again. Not too far away from having enough pieces for a Trafficity gallery.

5392. Peel Street Green (18)

Yield, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Yield, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

This is the first piece I have posted by Yield, but I am certain it will not be the last. I have plenty of photographs, mostly from the River Avon pathway area, of the artist’s writing, but this one in Peel Street Green appears to be on a slightly different level.

Yield, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Yield, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

There is a nice flow to the letters, almost a ribbon effect, an the blur and black fill patterns work nicely through the writing. Some classic features, such as arrows and dots provide interest and the pink background contrasts well with the blues. This is a decent piece of writing, and I will definitely feature more of Yield’s work in future posts.

5373. Peel Street Green (17)

Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

Mote has taken a bit of a shine to this spot on Peel Street Green, and the wall lends itself really well to his work, because it is square. It isn’t quite so good for graffiti writers, who in the main prefer rectangular spaces for their letters.

Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Mote, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

This Mote monster is armed with an array of extremely sharp teeth, and three eyes (the central one more of a pineal body than an eye). Usually Mote creates happy-go-lucky monster characters, but this one isn’t quite as light as some of his others. Colourful gums and lovely fills, Mote just keeps on getting better and better.

5370. Peel Street Green (16)

3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023
3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023

Not long ago, this wall which had a lovely piece by 3Dom, was severely tagged, and so he has returned to re paint it. To be fair that last one had been there for quite some time and a refresh was long overdue.

3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023
3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, July 2023

There is always a lot to like about 3Dom’s work, not only in his brilliant painting skills, but also in the strong messages of peace and equilibrium for our planet and people. A deep thinker who wants the world to be a better place. In this piece, a sun-like character is meditating, perhaps hoping for a bright future. This is yet another stunning piece from one of Bristol’s very best.

3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2021
3Dom, Peel Street Green, Bristol, November 2021

5360. Peel Street Green (15)

Lupa, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Lupa, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

At long last Lupa makes her debut on Natural Adventures, and not before time. I have a whole bunch of pieces by her, but for reasons unknown to anyone, including myself, this is the first here on this blog.

Lupa, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Lupa, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

There is a freedom and joy in Lupa’s work that lifts the heart. In this piece the blue letters are set on a pink background – it’s that winning pink/blue combo working hard once again. The fills create  great sense of depth, with their cosmic appearance, and the white details add interest as well. The three shapes above the ‘U’ have the appearance of a crown, in this appealing piece. I also really like the slightly rough and ready presentation, which allows a freedom of expression, that some more precise and on-point pieces occasionally lack. A great first to share with you.

Lupa has been decorating our walls for a few years with her colourful letters

5344. Peel Street Green (14)

Bbygwya, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Bbygwya, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

The wall at Peel Street Green is, in my opinion, rather underutilised by artists, and the turnover quite slow, which is strange, because the broad pattern in Bristol is one of massively increasing turnover, due in part to the growth in the number of artists painting over the last few years. It was refreshing to see an RBF takeover recently at this spot that included this rather lovely piece of graffiti writing from Bbygwya.

Bbygwya, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Bbygwya, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

The letters, in a rolling script, spell out FLUKZ, I think. Set on a pink background, the dark blue letters are brought to life with some interesting cosmic patterns and a thick 3D white drop shadow. Thee is a confident sense with her writing, and although this is only her second appearance on Natural Adventures, you can be certain it won’t be her last.

5306. Peel Street Green (13)

Phour, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Phour, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

It can be easy, when chasing down pieces, to forget some of the bedrock work that goes on day in day out from some of the unsung heroes of Bristol street art and graffiti writing. One such hero, who hasn’t made an appearance on Natural Adventures for some while, is Phour.

Phour, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Phour, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

Phour has chosen some great letters to work with, and manages to present them with a consistent style and confidence. The whole piece looks great, with white letters on a blue background, giving the impression of being chrome – it is funny how your eyes can play tricks. The black 3D border provides depth and the letters are nicely bordered with a tidy light blue line. Phour has introduces some nice marbling cutting through some of the letters, to finish it all off with a bit of class. A great piece from Phour.

5301. Peel Street Green (12)

Solar, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Solar, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

As mentioned in a previous post, I am trying to give Solar a bit more of a profile on Natural Adventures, because I believe his work provides another strong element on the vast spectrum of graffiti writing in the city.

Solar, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023
Solar, Peel Street Green, Bristol, June 2023

I’m not quite sure how I would describe Solar’s style, but I think ephemeral and free are words that spring to mind. Like Lee Roy’s work, it is tending towards anti-style, but perhaps in a more passive way. The letters in this piece, spelling SOLAR and with a PLB crew tag, are written in a mixture of upper and lower case, breaking any formal conventions. The blues are uplifting, and unusually the background is also the fill. The letters are disrupted by vertical streaks of cloudy something. The whole piece is rather atmospheric and compelling in a modest presentation.